How to get an account

On the right side of the menu bar under "YOUR ACCOUNT" there is a section "NEW CUSTOMER". If you would like to have an account, please fill this form and send it. Please note we are able to sell to Sweden only.

How to adjust you company account details (billing and shipping info)

Some of the data is already prefilled for you when your account is created. Please verify the initial shipping and billing information, including ship-to person, e-mail and ship-to phone. if needed, these prefilled values can be edited. It is also possible also to add additional delivery address to your account.

Please click at the pencil icon on the right of the adjustable data, to be able to edit it.
You will see following buttons:

Home - for setting the default option

Options - for selecting from existing options and also to create new option

Save - for saving adjusted data

Create - create a new option

Delete - delete the selected option

How to add additonal users

If you have administrative rights, you are able to add additional users to your companies account. Each company has at least one administrator user, who is able to add and manage other users. In the "YOUR ACCOUNT" dropdown menu there is a section "USERS" where is a list of current users and an option to add a new user. Clicking on the existing user, the user account and users rights can be adjusted.

At the bottom of the user adjustment page there are options for adjusting the user rights. If administrator is selected, this user is also able to manage other users.

How to create a quote

Creating a quote starts from the basket or directly from the YOUR ACCOUNT/QUOTATIONS or when you have added products to the shopping cart.
There is also an option to add product to a quote straight from the product page, clicking on the star icon.
Shopping cart option enables to add the shopping cart content to a new or existing quote.
When quote is ready "Publish and send quote" will send the quote as an attachment to the current user's email.

To use a quote and move items from the quote to the basket, quote needs to be opened first:

Then it is possible to move items to the basket with a basket button:

How to choose pick-up address

Currently there are 2 options

  • Standard delivery - we will ship the goods to your door
  • Customer pick-up - you will pick up the goods from our warehouse. In this case you will see our warehouse details as the shipping address.

What to fix in case of "required information error", that stops placing an order

If the red error message is stopping you placing o your order, please note the fields rounded with the blue line - these are mandatory and order can not be placed without adding this information.

Additional functionalities to note

  • Exporting a quote to Excel
  • Saving product to favourites
  • Saving basket for later use

Need help?

If you need help setting up your account or face any problems using our webshop please e-mail us at